Dale Lutz

Dale LutzDale Lutz


Safe Software

Langley, BC



About the Presenter

Dale is a farm-boy turned tech entrepreneur with a Master’s in Computing Science from the University of Alberta. His entrepreneurial journey began early when, at just 10 years old, he won a 4H public speaking competition with his speech titled “Raising Rabbits For Fun and Profit."  Some years later, he co-founded Safe Software, a global spatial data integration software company that started with two guys in their spare bedrooms. This was a software developed to exchange maps between the BC government and forest companies and grew to over 250 employees with customers around the world. After 30 years and 9 days, Dale sold his interest in December 2023, giving him more time for family, mentoring young entrepreneurs, and refining his philanthropic life plan.

Originally from Alberta and a BC resident since 1988, Dale has served on the board of Barnabas Family Ministries for 13 years, most recently helping lead a successful Executive Director transition. He’s attended nearly every ELO conference since 2005, which has been key to shaping his business philosophy.  Now, post-exit and "fun-employed," he’s still learning and reflecting on business best practices—while also figuring out retirement, though by all accounts it seems he’s already quite good at it.