Unique Value Proposition


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Endorsements from our Members

"Having gone through a year of significant transition with my business I found the 1:1 coaching and mentoring extremely valuable to help navigate my next steps. I have really enjoyed learning and growing with my fellow peer advisory group members and seeing the successful ways they are handling today's business challenges. It’s also amazing to watch fellow ELO members using their business as a tool to give back to their employees, their community and advance the kingdom. I am continually humbled with the size and significance of their giving and the impact they make in the charitable areas they are passionate about."

- Former Owner & Leader, Recycling Technology Company


"I’m very pleased with the learning sessions – the guests are always high-quality presenters. The 1:1 sessions have been beneficial and Rick is a trusted counselor. The networking and group sessions are noteworthy as well."

- Senior Executive, $3 Billion Revenue Company based in the Maritimes


"The 1:1 coaching sessions provided within the context of the PAG are a valuable component of the program. As a business leader, it can be difficult to press “pause” and take time for introspection. These sessions both encourage and challenge by guiding personal development, providing accountability, and creating a safe space from which to assess current challenges and strengths within the business."

- Family Owner & Senior Executive, Canada-wide retail business with over 30 locations and 350 staff


"As an entrepreneur, I know firsthand how challenging and isolating the journey can be. That's why I'm so grateful for the ELO Peer Advisory Group program. It has provided me with a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are facing similar challenges. The group meetings, learning sessions, and networking opportunities have been invaluable for connecting with others, learning from their experiences and insights, and even making some great new friends. This program has truly enriched my life as an entrepreneur and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for support and guidance in their business endeavours."

- Former Co-Founder & Leader, Software Company

How much time do you spend developing wisdom? Wisdom is based on values. Values are rooted in a worldview. Wisdom, in essence, is skill in living, making good choices, and learning from others. Competencies, such as business skills, are great but they are not enough. Lack of wisdom is evident as leaders are routinely undermined not by lack of competency, but rather lack of character. The antidote is to invest in wisdom. It's not character or competence — it's both. ELO helps leaders develop wisdom, surrounded by knowledgeable peers. A Christian worldview is at the core of what we do. It's not an add-on — it's embedded in our approach. ELO provides an intecgrated, holistic approach to leadership. Wisdom isn't developed by segregating business from faith. Our goal is to develop leaders who combine biblical wisdom and business acumen for greater impact.