Brendan Case

Brendan Case cBrendan Case

Associate Director for Research

Harvard Flourishing Program, Harvard's Institute for Quantitative Social Science

Boston, MA


About the Presenter

Brendan W. Case, Th.D., serves as the HFH's Associate Director for Research, working both to develop integrative research strategies that draw together explorations of human flourishing from across the social sciences and humanities, and to disseminate the Program's work through external partnerships and public events. Dr. Case is the author of The Accountable Animal: Justice, Justification, and Judgment (T&T Clark, 2021), and co-author (with William Glass) of Least of the Apostles: Paul and His Legacies in Earliest Christianity (forthcoming from Pickwick Press). His work has also appeared in journals such as Modern Theology, Studies in Christian Ethics, Franciscan Studies, and Pro Ecclesia, and he is also a regular contributor to The Church Life Journal, among other popular outlets. His works in-progress include a long-term project to develop a theological account of love that brings fundamental Christian convictions into conversation with classic debates in moral philosophy and contemporary debates in the social and behavioural sciences. Before coming to Harvard, he completed his Th.D. at Duke Divinity School, and served as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Baylor University's Institute for Studies of Religion.

About the Presentation

Flourishing in Life and Work: How To Build Up People & Company Culture