Graham Carter, Principal & Co-Founder, Vertex Developments, Vancouver BC
Topic: Who is Asking You the Tough Questions?
- What is something in your personal life that is impacting your work performance?
- What’s the biggest challenge for you at work?
- Are you practicing spiritual disciplines?
- Are you living out your calling?
- Are you living any contradictions of your values (you say non-work is important, but you work too much)? Read More
Bobby Gruenewald, Pastor and Innovation Leader at Life.Church, Tulsa, OK
Topic: "YouVersion Growth Story: Lessons from Launch to
500 Million Downloads"
- Reframing the way we think about innovation - what it is, how it works, what it’s not
- Constraints force you to innovate
- Failure isn’t an option, it’s a requirement
- Move fast, follow momentum
- Creating a culture of change
Ken Keis, President & CEO, CRG International Inc
Topic: The Quest for Purpose: A Self-Discovery Process To Find It And Live It!
- The global status on employee engagement but also the percentage of individuals who believe they are living On Purpose!
- The one factor that is foundational to our success in life.
- That your life is constantly leaving you clues about your passions and purpose but are we paying attention.
- The core mindsets and character traits required to live On Purpose!
- Be presented The Quest roadmap and system to assist and individuals to live a life full of meaning, significance and purpose. Read More
Dale Lutz, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Safe Software, Surrey, BC
Topic: The Future of Work: Lessons on Navigating the New Reality
- How to find and retain people?
- Working from home or working at the office?
- How to maintain culture?
- How to bridge generational divides?
- What is the new reality of the workplace? Read More
Douglas Nix, Chairman of Stillwater Capital Corporation, Toronto, ON
Topic: "Key Ways to Build Value in Your Business"
- System, not person, dependent - the value is in the system
- Finetune the value proposition – what does the company do very uniquely (be clear on that point and then fortify it
- Diversity of clients – not to rely too heavily on too few clients
- The team – have you assembled a talented and empowered team?
- Technology – are you are the front end of technological developments? Is it an advantage?
- Intellectual property – apart from patents (which are uncommon), do you have proprietary business knowhow, industry knowledge, etc.? Read More
Carissa Youssef, CEO of the Stattonrock Group, Abbotsford, BC
Topic: Flourishing in Business: How Purpose-Driven Leadership Can Grow Our Faith and the Bottom Line.
- What is your calling?
- How does leading a business fit into that?
- What have you learned about the transition of taking on leadership in Stattonrock, which is a family-run company?
- How do you integrate faith and business?
- What is an abundance perspective?
- What does that mean for a company and how does that practically play out?
- How do you collaborate well within a company? How do you collaborate well within an industry?
- What is Comunidad and what has it taught you? Read More