Peter Legge Interviews Rick Goossen on Public Speaking Laws of Success


ELO Podcast

PSLPeter Legge interviewed Rick Goossen on his upcoming book, Public Speaking Laws of Success. This interview focuses on some key laws of success that are critical to your success as a public speaker and communicator, whether online or in person. We will highlight laws such as Thriving in the Digital Environment, The One Minute Test, Humor is No Joke, The Most Dangerous 15 Seconds and Speaker’s Hara-Kiri and how Public Speaking Laws of Success will enable you to become a more competent and confident speaker. The book includes stimulating stories that highlight the habits and secrets of successful speakers. Readers will enjoy the book and find it a valuable resource for developing their speaking skills. This webinar will help you grow as a communicator.


Peter Legge is an accomplished entrepreneur, speaker and author. Toastmasters International voted Peter “Golden Gavel Award Winner” and “Top Speaker in North America” and both the National Speakers Association and the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers have inducted him into the Speakers Hall of Fame. He is also a member of the prestigious Speakers Roundtable, an invitation-only society comprising 20 of North America’s top professional speakers. He is a bestselling author of 23 books and is Chairman & CEO of the largest, independently owned media publishing company in Western Canada – Canada Wide Media Limited.

Dr. Richard (Rick) J. Goossen, Chairman, Advisory Board, ELO Group and Strategic Counsel, Nicola Wealth is interviewed by Peter Legge on his new book Public Speaking Laws of Success.





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