Bruno Dyck

Bruno Dyck 2024Bruno Dyck

Norman Frohlich Professorship in Business Sustainability

Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, MB


About the Presenter

Dr. Bruno Dyck, a management and organizational theorist, joined the Asper School in 1990 and holds the Norman Frohlich Professorship in Business Sustainability. His current teaching and research interests focus on Social & Ecological Thought (SET) management, an approach to business that places people and planet ahead of maximizing profits. He also has ongoing research interests in the fields of business ethics, organizational change and learning, international development, and religious values and management. His research has been published in leading scholarly journals, including Administrative Science QuarterlyAcademy of Management Review, and the Journal of Management Studies.

Dr. Dyck has taught a variety of courses in the School at the graduate and undergraduate levels. At the Ph.D. level he teaches the "Seminar in Organizational Theory," and has been involved as member and chair on numerous doctoral and master’s student committees. At the MBA level he teaches the sustainability module in the “Contemporary Themes in Business” course, and at the undergraduate level he enjoys teaching “Sustainable Business” and "Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility”. The course he has taught most often is “Management and Organizational Theory”. Dr. Dyck has co-authored several textbooks, including the award-winning “Management: Financial, Social, and Ecological Well-Being” (Sapajo) and “Organizational Behaviour: For a Better Tomorrow” (Wiley).

Dr. Dyck earned his Ph.D. in Business from the University of Alberta in 1990 with a dissertation entitled "A multiple rationalities model of transformational change: Understanding the ubiquity of change" to add to his Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree from the University of Manitoba. He was a founding co-chair of the ASAC OMT interest group and a past chair of its OT division, and has helped guide the visioning process for various not-for-profit organizations.

He has won international awards for his research, teaching, and textbooks, and recently the documentary “Beyond Profit: Seeking Sustainability” which he Executive Produced.


About the Presentation

Topic: The Gospel of Luke: 1st Century Insights for 21st Century Business Leaders

  • The Relevance of the 1st Century Gospel of Luke
  • The 1st Century Century context
  • Background to Parable of Ten Pounds/Talents 
  • “Common” and “first century” interpretations 
  • Implications for 21st Century Management