Daniel Whitehead

Daniel Whitehead 2024Daniel Whitehead

CEO, Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries

Vancouver, BC

About the Presentation

"A Christian Perspective on Mental Health & Building A Flourishing Culture in Organizations"

About the Presenter

Daniel Whitehead is the CEO of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries. The values of Sanctuary, as started our their website, are as follows: "We believe that caring for mental health and wellbeing is an important part of what it means to participate in Christ’s redemptive work. Jesus came to invite all people into relationship with God, and as his disciples we are called to love one another and help one another recognize God’s presence in every circumstance and experience, including the experience of mental health challenges. This is a call that requires not only profound compassion and hope, but also education and equipping."

Daniel spearheads the movement to equip churches to support mental health and wellbeing in their community. Through his interaction with supporters and others in the broader community, he is knowledgeable about mental health issues faced by business leaders.

Previously, he spent ten years in full-time vocational ministry, serving as senior pastor of a church for eight years. He is a graduate of Regent College and has spent 10 years in full-time vocational ministry. He has advised large organizations on how to better understand mental health individually and collectively. He is also a certified mediator and a double theology graduate of Regent College (MA 2017, ThM 2021). Daniel hails from the UK, but now resides in Vancouver, BC.